JEM joint ecosystem modeling

Threatened and Endangered Vertebrates in Florida

Database Query Tool

This database was compiled as a part of a species distribution modeling project, and contains species traits obtained from targeted literature searches for 26 threatened and endangered species located in Florida. All of the traits below are searchable through this query tool, and a list of species with data that match your criteria will be generated. All data can be exported to Excel. For more information, please select the links containing the project information and metadata.
   Information for New Users
Project Information and Metadata (PDF; 396 KB*)
Complete List of References (TXT; 628 KB)

Study Site: Sort By:
Author: Results/page:

For records matching the criteria above, display:

All Available Information

Movement & Home Range
Migration & dispersal
Home range
Species range
Abiotic Factors
Extreme weather
General breeding characteristics
Timing of Breeding
Live-bearing species (mammals)
Egg Producing species (birds, reptiles, amphibians)

Please note that many of the threatened and endangered taxa are sub-species, and have parent species that are not federally listed. Although we targeted the federally listed taxa, we also included information for the non-endangered parent species when available. We therefore report results using two variable fields, “Species” (the federally listed taxa) and “Reported As” (the taxa reported in the study).
Please note that the Anastasia Island beach mouse and the Southeastern beach mouse are both subspecies of the same parent species (the oldfield mouse or beach mouse, Peromyscus polionotus). Information for the parent species is only linked to the Southeastern beach mouse. When searching for the Anastasia Island beach mouse, it is crucial to also select the Southeastern beach mouse to obtain complete information for the parent species.

* This document is in PDF format and can be viewed using the latest version of the free Adobe Reader or similar software.

University of Florida    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service    National Park Service    U.S. Geological Survey
Please direct inquiries to Allison Benscoter.

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